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Current State - Printable Version

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Current State - Kuxii - 08-17-2024

Hello everyone, 
first of all: another "news" update? No, not really. 
I just wanted to give a quick update on the recent work. 
Since I was on vacation, I dedicated my time—how exactly? 
Well, to the server. Originally, 
I had hoped to release the new update by the end of my vacation, 
but unfortunately, that won’t happen as some things are still not finished and most haven’t been thoroughly tested yet.
In the past few days, I’ve invested a lot of time into improving the server. 
I’m not sure if I’ve mentioned it before, but I rebuilt the entire server from scratch. 
Some things are pretty much like they used to be, while others have changed. 
Additionally, I’ve continued to extract services from the proxy because it makes more sense,
especially if a second server instance should run in the future.
As you know, the lobby server recently received an update, and that’s already the reworked version. 
This means it works with both the "beta proxy" and the "live proxy" without needing to switch servers.
The file loader and racing service are also new additions, handling files such as images and races centrally and passing them to the respective proxies. 
I’ve made the race server standalone now to make applying updates easier.
Now, the big question: Where do we stand currently?
Well, as mentioned, the proxy, file loader, and race server are finished, which is correct. 
The club server has also been completely rewritten, and a few missing elements were discovered here and there. 
That’s about it for now (keep in mind, I’m working alone on the code, server, and website, so this is a big step). 
Since the server was rewritten from scratch, the web interface also needs to be updated. I’ve worked on it intermittently so that at least the "user" functions are working for now.
What’s left on the list? Well, there are two "servers" still waiting for a rewrite: 
The CRC Center, which will fix some issues and bring the ORC back, and the casino, which will take a bit more work. 
As the old players know, the slots had a different "feel" back then, and that’s what I’m aiming to recreate in PP2.
Since I’ll be back at work next week, I won’t be able to invest as much time as I did over the past few days. 

So don’t expect a finished update this month.

A small list of the changes so far? Sure, here it is:

  • Proxy Server: Packet handling and player handling have been optimized.
  • Game Login: In case of forgotten passwords, I’ve added new features that make resetting easier.
  • Resource Usage: The proxy and external servers have been extremely improved, resulting in lower CPU usage and reduced RAM consumption. They can now handle more (currently simulated) players than the old server.
  • Error-proneness: This has been further reduced.
Changes in Game Features:
  • Friends List: Should now work smoothly, whether you’re adding friends or loading the list.
  • Blacklist: The blacklist has also been improved, allowing it to communicate with other servers (lobby, races). This feature will be reactivated after the update.
  • TDUMyLive: Has been completely finalized (sorting, images) and now syncs with other servers. It’s also now available in race lobbies and the casino.
  • House Images: These have been adjusted to synchronize correctly during house invitations.
  • Lobby Server: Smal issues fixed, On Island Change Spot Change to dedect it better (Is already Live)
  • Race Lobby Server: Fixes have been applied for club races. On the current server, it was possible for non-members to join a club-only race, causing a bug where the player was falsely listed as a club member.
  • Fileloader: The entire structure has been changed to better assign images and races to users.
  • Club Join/Leave: This has finally been properly fixed. I tested it a hundred times before (joining/leaving/kicking) and, as always, found no errors
  • Club Requests/Invites: Should now function as intended.
  • Club News: Missing news items have been identified and added (e.g., club spot changes, two bugs have been fixed).
  • Player Stats: These have also been completed. We now collect nearly all the data the game provides, but we don’t store everything. If there are interesting stats to discuss, we can consider storing them.
  • Database Structure: The entire structure has been revised. The old server stored too much unnecessary data, which caused the database to grow significantly over the last two years. I’ve changed the layout, making the size significantly smaller.
I think that’s about it for now. Want to see a few pictures? Sure, we can do that too

Internal Infos (Just to see the usage now)